
Apply now for an exclusive place in the startup corner at Industries Du Future - be more visible!
Soon starts the conference and exhibition Industries Du Future in Mulhouse. Be part of the trinational startup corner by Semia.
Located at the heart of the Grand Est region of eastern France, partner of French Fab, the BE 4.0 - The industry 4 trade show takes place at Mulhouse, a Territoires d’Industrie approved conurbation.
For its 2022 edition, the plenary conferences will focus on 4 challenges of the industrial transitions currently underway: the acceleration of digital transformation , the relocation of production, decarbonisation and man/machine 5.0 collaboration.
Futuremore offers a trinational look at Franco-German industrial news, thanks to plenary sessions and workshops.
>>Boost your Network!
The cost for a stand at #IndustriesDuFuture is 900 euros. There is one place left for a German startup from Freiburg region at the @Semia Startup Corner.
If you want to be part of the startup space write a mail to startinland@fwtm.de until 21.10.